We provide a fresh and proactive approach to building management

Precision Facilities Management is a building and facilities management company for residential and commercial buildings, large and small, we work largely with largely with Body Corporate / Owners Corporations. 

Precision Facilities Management is a building and facilities management company for residential and commercial buildings, large and small. Working largely with Bodies Corporate / Owners Corporations.

We will provide a fresh and proactive approach, showing initiative and taking control of all building management duties to the highest possible standard.


Director – Tim Maly

Tim has extensive experience in the real estate industry, specialising in Strata Management and knows first-hand, how hard it is to find an exceptional facilities manager.

Tim believes that doing things right once, saves customers time and money!

M: 0447 820 032
E: tim@precision.fm

Contact Tim

General Manager – Marty Lisson

Marty has over 30 years experience in the building maintenance industry, working in the facilities management space for most of that time.

Marty is a highly sought after Building Manager in Canberra and is renowned for his friendly and approachable manner. He has an excellent reputation and always ensures he provides clients with an exceptional facilities management experience. 

M: 1800 383 333
E: marty@precision.fm

Contact Marty


The PFM Team

The PFM are skilled, experienced and trained to provide a wide range of services across any number of the cleaning, repair and maintenance needs of your building.

All of our employees take pride in their work and are excellent at taking preventative and proactive measures to ensure that your building is always up to the standard expected.

We only hire the best and consistently receive feedback regarding performance, professionalism and attention to detail. 

What can PFM do?

A PFM team member can take care of almost all of your domestic and commercial building maintenance needs.

General repairs


Reactive works






Door repair & replacement

Excluding – roofing, electrical, plumbing and waterproofing

Building Management Scope of Works

(as specified by client or default 12 hours Per Week)

  • Supervise service contracts that are in place during warranty maintenance and defect liability period
  • Ensure the cleanliness of the building and that common property areas are maintained
  • The Facilities Manager will advise the Strata Manager of any repairs requiring a specialised tradesperson
  • Provision of after-hours emergency response help desk
  • Hazard & risk identification and management
  • Advise on breaches of House Rules or other actions of residents that relate to property damage or associated risk
  • Report vandalism or property damage
  • Attend Annual General Meeting and as requested quarterly meeting
  • Touch up any general repair areas on walls and re-paint/patch accordingly
  • Attend to all general repairs and maintenance (not requiring trade certificate)
  • Manage and report common area building defects and advise on the rectification process
  • As directed, obtain quotes, liaise with contractors or execute agreements for appropriately qualified contractors to undertake non-routine repairs and maintenance or non-standard work (without consent if works are within approved expenditure delegations).
  • Maintain a record of all common area maintenance requests and status
  • Conduct periodic maintenance inspections
  • Replace light globes/tubes in common areas, exits and car parks

  • Management of onsite waste and bin transfers
  • Inspection of bins rooms daily. Clean and deodorise bin rooms as required
  • Remove any hard waste items - such as unwanted furniture, bikes if illegally dumped
  • Oversee waste collection services
  • Report any concerns Immediately to Strata Manager

  • Manage buildings fob swipe access entry system and associated data
  • Pressure clean ALL exterior common property areas when required
  • Regular inspections of fire stairs, car parks

  • Ensure ALL common property areas are kept clean daily
  • Pressure clean ALL exterior common property areas when required
  • Ensure public toilets are kept clean, tidy and stocked with supplies
  • Ensure cleanliness around the complex is maintained and remove any litter
  • Clean, vacuum or mop any common areas if required when cleaners are not on-site
  • Ensure cleaning service contractors are meeting their cleaning duty requirements
  • Report any concerns to the Strata Manager
  • Cleaning of windows in common areas up to 2 metres high

  • Ensure ALL contractors are Inducted by the Facilities Manager before commencing any work
  • Ensure all contractors sign the Register before commencing any work
  • Ensure ALL contractors conducting any major work provide a Safe Work Method Statement and a Product Disclosure Statement, which must be sighted and approved by the Facilities Manager before commencement of any major work
  • Overseeing preventative Maintenance including fire, HVAC, lifts, height safety compliance, grease trap servicing and waste collection services
  • Ensure ALL contractors adhere to the WHS rules & regulations
  • Facilities Manager to supervise and inspect completed work
  • Report any concerns to the Strata Manager

  • The Facilities Manager will provide a Comprehensive Building Report within 1 week after the end of each month to the Strata Manager. This report will highlight any damage, repairs, on-going maintenance and project work. Recommendations also included if any extra work is required.
  • The Building Manager will be available to attend all Executive Committee & Annual General Meetings.

It's what we do that makes a difference!

When we take over management of your building we’ll treat it like our own.

We will bring the building up to a standard you didn’t think was possible from every aspect which includes: cleanliness, appearance, safety and security.

Our team of Building Managers can cover the majority of re-active general maintenance and often our Building Managers will repair things before it’s brought to your attention.

If your designated Building Manager is unable to do the repair then we’ll send one of our other Building Managers to do the repair at no extra charge, whilst keeping your Building Manager on-site to take care of other daily duties.

Using our Building Managers to do your re-active general maintenance will save the Owners Corporation time and money, as this is included in our contract we only charge for supplies required to repair the issue. 

Your building will be overseen

General Manager, Marty Lisson will oversee all works performed to ensure your building is being maintained up to his standard (which Marty has built a reputation for).


Your building’s appearance is what purchasers look at when buying a new home or investment, so it is essential that the building must look at its absolute best to make it more appealing and maintain its value.

Marty will look over which contractors you are using and check they are doing their job to the quality standard that you should be receiving and for the competitive price you should be paying. If Marty feels your contractors’ work is not up to standard then he will approach them to give instruction on what needs to be improved. 


We will provide you with a fresh and proactive approach to building management
